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Ervins Iris of Mandigo

Iris comes from Mandigo Labs in Texas.  She is very sweet and is gorgeous!  She loves to take walks with the other dogs.  She also loves to have her tummy rubbed!

To see the pedigree for Iris, CLICK HERE.

Iris is a wonderful girl.  She looks great and has a pleasing personality to go with her good looks.

She has kept her great love for sticks and LOVES to retrieve.  She also likes to have a stick in her mouth at all times.
She looks like she has a smile on her face.  She loves to play, but also likes to stay put right by your side.  She's just a happy dog!

I just love Iris' head!  Her markings are beautiful.

She loves to pick up sticks and carry them around.  A true  Lab!


Contact North Forty Kennels by email:  jervin4@aol.com

N40K Hours of Operation:  By appointment only.

We are a non-commercial breeder.